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Rainbow Week for ESY Students

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Students in the Bellmore-Merrick School District’s Extended School Year (ESY) program have enjoyed spending summer mornings at Merrick Avenue Middle School. The program, which is available to students grades 7-12 and IEP participants up to 21 years old, teaches important life skills and academics while still offering fun activities.

This year’s theme—Dr. Seuss— has included themed story time sessions as well as engaging English Language Arts projects. Building upon that, from Aug. 3-7, students celebrated “Rainbow Week.”

“It’s a celebration of diversity, colors and happiness,” Director of Special Education and Pupil Personnel Services Eric Arlin said. “We want the kids to have some fun.”

Art projects are hung throughout the middle school hallways and students have taken turns adding red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple plastic cups to the school’s chainlink fence to create a welcoming rainbow.

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