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Students Clean Up Streets to Shores

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Students across the Central High School District have been making their mark in the surrounding communities by creating or participating in environmental cleanups.

Led by their teacher Brian Joyce, the Leadership classes at Calhoun High School organized a Community Cleanup Oct. 9.

“It was great to see our students doing something positive for the neighborhood,” said Principal Nicole Hollings.

The effort was spearheaded by student, Adam Selcedo, who shared that he noticed an abundance of trash on the ground while he was exercising. He brought the idea to classmates who agreed to address the issue head on.

“I couldn’t believe the amount of garbage that was left on the ground…just a couple of feet away from a garbage can,” student Nicole Devlin noted.

Students remarked about feeling accomplished after participating.

“It made me realize how easily I can brighten other people’s day by completing small tasks,” added student Frankie Depalo.

Leadership classes throughout the district are aimed at promoting community service and fostering group process, self-awareness and human relations skills among students.

The Mepham High School LEO Club participated in a Jones Beach cleanup with the environmental awareness group, SPLASH (Stop Polluting Littering and Save Harbors) on Oct. 17.

“The response by the LEOs was very enthusiastic and I'm so proud of how hard they worked and how they want to play a part in taking care of their environment,” said science teacher and club co-adviser Josephine Parlagreco. “The same day they were asking to do it again.”

Sponsored by the Bellmore Lions Club, the Leo Club’s mission is one of altruism and philanthropy.

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