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Grand, Merrick Avenue Teams Compete in Hack-a-Thon

 Grand, Merrick Avenue Teams Hack-a-Thon Photo thumbnail182335

Four teams from Grand Avenue and Merrick Avenue Middle Schools competed in the annual KIDOYO coding Hack-a-Thon March 12.

“It is a virtual event with teams across Long Island joining from their home districts in Zoom breakout rooms,” explained Rob Soel, a district science/STEM chairperson. “They were challenged to write code to take and hold ‘territory’ on the code conquest game board.”

The eighth-grade team, "Grand.exe" won an award, tying with the team, "Man-hack-set" for the best coded Capital Defense project.

Technology teachers Michelle Biancardo and Dan Stiglitz helped organize the teams.
“The event was fun and fast paced and a true demonstration of our kids’ creativity and coding skill in Hatch, Python, HTML and even Java,” Biancardo added.

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