On Dec. 17, students from both Mepham and Calhoun High Schools participated in annual Poetry Out Loud competitions at the building level.
“Student competitors memorized and recited works selected from an anthology of more than 1,200 poems,” explained Mary Allegretta, an English chairperson at Mepham. “Judges evaluated student performances on criteria including voice and articulation, evidence of understanding, and accuracy.
Students must win classroom competitions hosted by their English teachers to earn a coveted spot in the schoolwide competition.
The event, hosted each December at Mepham by Fragments advisor Nicole Maresca and the English Department, is now a 17-year tradition at Mepham High School. At Calhoun, chairperson Kim Serpe oversees the competition.
Mepham High School:
1st Place: AriElla Wolfstein, senior
2nd Place: Samantha Bremer, senior
3rd Place: Asher Chang, sophomore
Calhoun High School:
1st place: Ryan Karis, junior (winner for the third year in a row)
2nd place: Uma Magi, sophomore
More about Poetry Out Loud: presented in partnership with the New York State Teachers & Writers Collaborative, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Poetry Foundation—lifts poetry off the page, creating community and connection. Through this program, high school students across the country participate in a dynamic poetry recitation competition that is designed to improve their public speaking skills, help build confidence and teach them about literary history and contemporary life. Since the program began in 2005, more than 4.4 million students across the country have participated in Poetry Out Loud. To learn more about the Poetry Out Loud competition, visit PoetryOutLoud.org.
Date Added: 1/15/2025