Mepham Students Zoom with Research Specialist

Students in class speaking with Adam Wild via zoom thumbnail246987
Students in class speaking with Adam Wild via zoom thumbnail246988

Ellen Hsi’s Introduction to Science Research Students met with Adam Wild via zoom, the Director of the Uihlein Maple Research Forest, a cooperative extension of Cornell University.

After learning about Mr. Wild’s research while at Lake Placid over the summer, Mrs. Hsi wanted to share her experience with her students from Introduction to Science Research. The students ran experiments on pressure differences to understand sap movement with a tree. They also learned about sugar caramelization as well as the chemistry behind various pancake leaveners. Students were eager to learn about these topics, especially when they had a chance to make their own pancakes.

As a culminating activity, they met with Mr. Wild over zoom to learn about the responsibilities that he has as a field-research scientist. Students learned about everything from the chemical makeup of sap to important technology that Mr. Wild utilizes, such as reverse osmosis and off-site monitoring, so that he and his field researchers can efficiently monitor sap production 24 hours a day. They even learned that Quebec has a reserve of over 9 million gallons of maple syrup stored in approximately 164,000 barrels to offset a year where sap production is insufficient for market demands.

Students learned that in the United States, New York State at 25 percent production, is second to Vermont for Maple Syrup Production at 50 percent.

Date Added: 5/25/2023