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Calhoun’s Dr. Goldberg Knighted in Florence

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Dr. David Goldberg, a social studies teacher at Calhoun High School was recently knighted by the renowned Parte Guelfa in Florence.

Parte Guelfa is a knighthood dedicated to preserving the world. It is a community of highly distinguished and accomplished people active in sustainable development and building a better world.It was established in 1266 by the Knights of Florence, who received official approval by order of French Pope Clement IV. 

“Honoring the tradition from the 13th century, new Knights like me and Ladies of the Order of Parte Guelfa received Knighthood in much the same way as they have for nearly 800 years,” Sir Dr. Goldberg noted.

The multi-day investiture ceremony included marching through the streets of Florence, past the Duomo to the Basilica De Santa Croce, where Michelangelo and Dante are buried.

“I am deeply humbled by this tremendous honor,” Sir Dr. Goldberg said. "It is a charge to keep empowering my students to reach new heights, and to make a difference for future generations. It is my hope to do just that."

Inductees included those from around the world, including a prime minister, ambassador and Father Bernardo Gianni, spiritual advisor to the pope.

“It is an unbroken chain of individuals who are making significant contributions to humanity,” he added.

Sir Dr. Goldberg teaches social studies, as well as Voices of the Past, a class offered to students in grades 10-12, is a joint venture between the English and social studies departments. 

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